Automation Bodies Installation Sculpture Video


Magnetic motion x dancing antic statues x brownian motion x disk sound

These hanged metallic puppets are inspired from antic statues and are animated thanks to magnets, thus creating a chaotic random rotation motion. Like for social networks, puppets have distant interactions and can not touch each others.

Tech for good Video


Strangers walks on several surfaces x Brownian motion

This video is inspired by the anonymity found in social networks and loneliness, where each element from this real brownian motion is vibrating but do not move from its original place, without interaction with each others

Automation Sciences Video


Dopamine microscopic motion x Bomb far explosions

Dopamine is the key substance that the psychologists & user experience leaders employed by Techs Companies, try to generate is our social network users bodies. A shot of Dopamine may be secreted each time social rewards are activated

Automation Featured Green Tech for good Video


Deep diving x mobile notification x Gun shot x Flash lights

Mobile notifications may make people crazy, anxious, depressed…they are seeking for social rewards and connections but often remain desesperatly alone in front of their screens. Isolated air bubbles are floating randomly towards surface once mobile notifications burst. Whereas the scene is diving deeper and deeper, notifications accelerate till transforming their sound into a gun shot.

Featured Tech for good Video

I hate you

Main hatred sentences x storm x synthetic voice

Social networks are one of the main places where haters can express themselves, often anonimously, causing sickness, depressions, suicides, conflicts,…Hatred spread rapidly, creating social disasters and may not have occured without social networks as facilitators.

Featured Tech for good Video

Small lies

Tech leader pitch at American Congress x binary sentences

F. founder explaining his motivation since the begining of F. and making sincere apologies for data sharing scandal in front of the American Congress. Since this testimony. nothing really changed regarding F. overall growth.