Featured Tech for good

And I’m sorry for this

Z. public apologies at American Congress recording

Featured Green Tech for good Video

Do not touch

Endangered species x distorted mobile notifications

These corals are animated with random and circular motions by invisible currents, barely touching each others. Distorted mobile notifications sounds like fish noises in deep waters.Sometimes, more attention is paid to endangered species than to human beings mental health…

Featured Green Tech for good Video

Burning Techs

Top web & innovation technologies x Synthetic voice x Fire burning

Each web technology since more than 20 years is marketed like the next hot big thing and disruption, in a non virtuous cycle where people are just considered as users and they may do not understand that they are the product, or worst the main source of enrichment of these people pushing hardly for a speed techno adoption.

Featured Tech for good Video

I like you

Tear drops & rain x Main social rewards x Flash lights

Social reward is one of the main engine propulsing social networks growth. People addiction also come from the dopamine shot they receive when they are publicly congratulated. Some social studies, ignored by social network owners, show that around one tier of teenagers may feel depressed having checked their social network flows.

Featured Green Tech for good Video

Ice Flows

Ice flow x Top tech leaders mantras

Tech worldwide community and innovative leaders are raising start-up founders with entrepreneurial & success insane mantras. Most of these mantras focused on success and self made man may have no consideration for human impacts of these innovations. These echoing entrepreneurs perpetuate the cycle indefinitely. The whole process where newbies try to imitate tech leaders cause they became rich rapidly seems like for ice flows totally irreversible and devastating for human beings.

Automation Featured Tech for good Video


Social network scrolling x notifications x anxiety breath 

Social infinite crawling, social notifications and Fomo (fear of missing out) may generate anxiety for most of social network addicts and a growing part of the population. Instead of awakening people to present instant like gongs, social notifications sounds are diverting them from reality. This video is generated with the exact motion of the area around my mouse while scrolling one of my social network.

Automation Bodies Featured

Puppets II

These are real antic statues shapes coming from a western european museum.

Drawing & graving on plexiglass – 30×20 cm

Automation Featured Sciences Video

Lacrima Rea

Microscopic Lacrima x Coins shape x Rain / Tears

Social networks generate a lot of cash for their owners, but most of the time a lot of sadness for their users. Like a kind of Modern Times spiral, the lacrima coins are turning around and around, before coming back to the same departure position. Scientific studies observed that each microscopic view of a lacrima has specific forms depending on the cause of the tears.

Featured Green Tech for good

Winter is coming

Data cloud mapping

Like a flash light or erupting volcano, this drawing is based on main cloud storage and data centers positionnings and data flows between them.

Drawing – 30×20 cm

Automation Bodies Featured Tech for good Video


Mobile notification x Artist hands while scrolling x Flash Lights

This glutton is a mirroring video of my hands while scrolling indefinitely social networks walls. Social rewards, infinite walls and notifications, invented by social networks creators are the best ways to capture brain bandwith and keep people glued to their services and thus generate cash massively. Like a monster this glutton awakes once notifications accelerate.

Bodies Featured Tech for good Video


Tears / rain drops x Aspiration x Anxiety breath

Nomophobia is a kind of fear of being separated from its mobile phone

Automation Featured Green Tech for good Video


Deep diving x mobile notification x Gun shot x Flash lights

Mobile notifications may make people crazy, anxious, depressed…they are seeking for social rewards and connections but often remain desesperatly alone in front of their screens. Isolated air bubbles are floating randomly towards surface once mobile notifications burst. Whereas the scene is diving deeper and deeper, notifications accelerate till transforming their sound into a gun shot.

Featured Tech for good Video

I hate you

Main hatred sentences x storm x synthetic voice

Social networks are one of the main places where haters can express themselves, often anonimously, causing sickness, depressions, suicides, conflicts,…Hatred spread rapidly, creating social disasters and may not have occured without social networks as facilitators.

Featured Tech for good Video

Small lies

Tech leader pitch at American Congress x binary sentences

F. founder explaining his motivation since the begining of F. and making sincere apologies for data sharing scandal in front of the American Congress. Since this testimony. nothing really changed regarding F. overall growth.

Automation Bodies Featured Tech for good

Faketrue people

28 masks inspired by deep fake faces

These faces have been conceived first thanks to an artificial intelligence able to generate randomly real-like faces of non existing people; then eyes, mouth, noses and ears have been removed for the final version of the drawing.

Drawing & graving on plexiglass – 30×20 cm

Automation Featured Tech for good

Modern Times

Boehringer metabolics

Boehringer matrix is a kind of chemical explanation of life and metabolics

Drawing – 30×20 cm

Automation Bodies Featured Sciences

Chemical hapiness

Dopamine synthesis process

This drawing is representing the complex synthesis of the dopamine molecule. Dopamine stimulation is a key element in the user experience optimisation for mobile and service applications providers. This is obvious that without a dopamine shot control strategy, social networks won’t be what they are. Dopamine and noradrenaline are crucial neuromodulators controlling brain states, vigilance, action, reward, learning, and memory processes.

Drawing – 30×20 cm

Bodies Featured Tech for good

The Bride

One tier of teenagers may feel depressed after having checked their favorite social network which is just the perfect place for perfect people sometimes with perfect hairs. This hairy bride is also echoing and inspired by a real brownian motion where particules are colliding randomly.

Drawing & engraving on plexiglass – 30×20 cm

Automation Bodies Featured Green


Some scientists discovered a new kind of hand arthritis, caused by mobile phone addiction and time spent on such heavy mobile devices. This drawing made is inspired from a hand radiography with a special focus on the arthritis zone. Moreover in some cased it appears that some fingers may be distorted by mobile phone shapes.

Drawing – 30×20 cm

Bodies Featured Green Tech for good

Give me Five

In 1965 in the U.S. there were a dangerous Amoeba bacteria that eat brains and caused more than 30 deaths. Arise of internet is made possible thanks to brain bandwith eater services.

Drawing – 30×20 cm